So i came up with this little function that can be used in a computed style for a row, or a single cell. Make sure to use the advanced properties of the view to make the column entry accessible, in this example i chose "rowData" as the name for the variable, then just use the function like this
getColumnColorStyle(rowData, 3, "width: 15px;");
Its as easy as that, and if you put the function into a script library, you can make it accessible to all of your pages easyily (i chose to use a new namespace for all of the tool functions i use, but here you have got the plain function).
function getColumnColorStyle(rowData, column, baseStyle){
var styleString = baseStyle?baseStyle:"" ;
var arr=rowData.getColumnValues().get(column);
var f = function twoDigitHex(anInteger){
return ("00"+parseInt(anInteger).toString(16)).right(2);
var hexcolor = "#"+f(arr[0])+f(arr[1])+f(arr[2]);
if(hexcolor!="#000000" )
styleString+= "background-color: "+hexcolor+";";
if(arr.length > 5){
hexcolor = "#"+f(arr[3])+f(arr[4])+f(arr[5]);
if(hexcolor!="#000000" )
styleString+= "color: "+hexcolor+";" ;
return styleString;